Skunk Den Removal: A Step-by-Step Process

 In Wildlife

Got A Skunk Problem? No Problem! Contact Maximum Pest Control Services For Skunk Den Removal (905) 582-5502.

While the idea of skunks making your porch their home may not be something you want, it’s undeniable that they can be quite endearing. Their scent is also quite long lasting and can stick to clothes, pets, and furniture for a while. For the homeowner who is trying to achieve a yard with no smell at all, this is a cause of many sleepless nights. If there is a chance of a den being close by do not panic at all.

There is a satisfactory solution to these animals as long as you have adequate information and a proper strategy. This article will provide guidance on how to find their skunk sites and remove them without causing damage. Once you are done reading, you will know how to handle any problem that relates to these types of animals.

Why Skunks Want to Dig Their Home in Your Property

Skunks are active at night and tend to dig dens for themselves. Wild animals like skunks prefer to dwell in the cavities with darkness and cover. Their diet also includes some small creatures to feast upon. If there is a combination of food and cover provided in your yard then there is no way they will not use it. Following are some common things that might attract them:

  1. Open Garbage Bins

Garbage cans that are overflowing or are carelessly tossed can be an advantage for critters. Skunks will rummage through garbage if food is not easily available.

  1. Pet Food

When left outside overnight, dog kibble can attract a whole bunch of animals. It is basically an open invitation on overnight dinner parties.

  1. Compost Piles

When food rots badly, it attracts insects and hungry skunks. So it’s safe to say that the food chain commences in a yard.

  1. Sheltered Structures

Under porches, decks, and even sheds is where skunks choose to dig. These spots allow them to remain in out of light and solitude.

How to Determine Whether You Have a Skunk Den

First, make sure you have skunks and not another animal. You can look for the following:

  1. Strong Odor

From time to time, you will smell skunk musk from a very long distance. If it has gotten stronger in a specific area, then check it out.

  1. Shallow Holes in the Yard

Skunks dig small cone shaped holes that are about three inches wide. This is done to find grubs and other insects.

  1. Nocturnal Activity

Skunks come out and wander around after dusk. If you see one or more stroll out in the late evening, and then watch where they go in the morning. They most likely have a den nearby.

  1. Tracks and Droppings

The skunk’s tracks reveal that it has five toed feet on both front and hind legs. Skunk droppings usually have a number of undigested insects in them can be seen.You will want to remove them away as soon as possible, because they can cause problems for your house

Risk of Stinky Spray

Skunks use spraying as a defensive tactic when they are startled or feel threatened. A friendly pet or inquisitive kid can trigger that behavior. The smell that it produces stays on fur, cloth, and furniture for 10 day or less.

Property Damage

Skunks will dig up yards looking for grubs, while sometimes even burrowing under the foundation. This can completely damage your landscaping and lead to some structural problems.

Diseases and Parasitic Fungi

They can be a host of rabies. In addition, they can host fleas and ticks along with numerous other parasites. These parasites do pose risk to people and even your pets.

Quick Reproduction

If there is one female who is guaranteed protection, she can be bred to produce a litter. The average litter has anywhere between four to six kits.

Humane Skunk Removal Techniques

A skunk den can be dealt with in a number of ways. The most preferred approach usually varies based on the geography that governs your region and also what you want. The next are good ways;

A live trap

This is one of the preferred methods of skunk control. It can be non-lethal and permanent as long as it is well executed.

The Right Trap Size

Use a mid-sized, covered trap made for raccoons and other similar animals. The covered cage will prevent you from being sprayed.

It is very important to use the right bait in setting skunk traps. Canned tuna or cat food may be foul smelling and may just do the job. These animals will also eat peanut butter and this makes it easier to bait a trap. Skunks have a good sense of smell, which means that the food should be placed in the far corner of the trap so that the animal will get into the trap and trigger it to be shut.

When covering a trap with a towel or garbage plastic bag, the skunk will not get a chance to get angry because it can’t see you. If there is no restriction on capturing a skunk then it is advisable to drive for quite some distance, say about 10 kilometres, away from the area so that the animal does not smell its way back to its territory. Make sure to do so while wearing gloves and carefully open the trap before distancing yourself far away.

Skunks will not be able to come back once they exit, which makes one way door installed a very useful tool for areas under porches or sheds.

Make sure to find all fencing holes and skunk activities in the area along with paths of high traffic. Usually, for most structures, a well maintained area around the structure shows signs of constant use over a specific period of time.

Such a device is extremely useful for skunks. Simply place the one-way exit door over the area you have located. Skunks will be able to exit but will not be able to go back inside.

Skunks, like all creatures, should receive humane treatment from humans. If you intend to get a skunk out of your property, it is important for you to respect it.

Here Are Other Additional Details To Care For A Wild Skunk

  1. Let All of Them Exit

Give every member in a skunk family the chance to get out. This may take days as it may get too difficult due to skunk babies being part of the family.

  1. Close the Gap

This helps to prevent any chances of returning. Make use of strong boards or hardware cloth to keep the holes sealed. This helps prevents your property from other effects.

  1. Repellents

While there is a possibility of the repellent working, results completely depend on the particular situation. Here are a few basic suggestions to consider:

  1. Light and Noise

Skunks may shy away from dark and quiet places so having motion based lights and a radio may help steer them away.

  1. Castor Oil Spray

Mix the oil and water and spray it around the area bothers you. The smell may just be too much for a skunk’s nose and leave.

  1. Commercial Repellents

Make sure to check the label for instructions on if they contain capsaicin or no. Always follow directions given on the label.

  1. Removal by Experts

Trained professionals are specially trained to tame their distance so they can be calm and free of stress around both the skunk and you. Make sure to always seek expert help whenever you feel something may not be safe.

  • Adhering to Rules and Laws

An expert in the area understands the legalities surrounding relocation . They will be on the right side of the law at all times.

  • Eliminate Additional Problems

There is exclusion and prevention services that many companies provide. This could involve hole covering and skunk deterrent advice.

Common Questions

Q1: Is it safe to approach skunks?

They are not known to be aggressive. They tend to spray when they are threatened only. If spray hits a bared faced animal directly, the temporary blinding effects are harsh. It is quite rare to find skunks infected with rabies. However, they can still be dangerous, so take precautions while handling them.

Q2: Can a skunk spray more than once?

Although skunks can try to attack multiple times, the amount of spray stored in the glands is limited and they take a long time to refill their glands after pumping some out.

Q3: Can mothballs be used to keep skunks out?

There are both positive and negative aspects of mothballs. One of the contradicting aspects is that they do not work too good. They may also be harmful to pets and children. More reliable means of control which do not include children or pets and validated repellants are preferred over these.

Q4: At what time do skunks come out of their den?

They are active after sunset. They feed mainly in deep night and early in the morning. During sunrise, you may catch a glimpse of them coming back to their den.

Q5: Is it legal to catch and move a skunk to a different place?

Not always. It depends on the region zone and country. Some places will not allow relocation while others allow it under special rules. Contact your local wildlife for further information just to make sure you are not breaking any laws.

How To Repel Skunks: Prevention Tactics

Advantages help you avoid problems down the line. Get rid of everything that lures these creatures to your garden in the first place.

  1. Keep Your Garbage Secured

Put your garbage in bins with strongly fitting lids. If possible, store them in a shed or inside your garage house.

  1. Get rid of Any Food Sources

At night, all pet food dishes include water should be taken indoors. Make sure the compost heaps are closed or covered. That restriction reduces the attraction of insects as well as the problem of putrid smells.

  1. Remove Points of Entry

Check for any gaps that may be present on the foundation, deck, and shed periphery. These gaps should be filled with wood, wire mesh or other means to make them unavailable for nesting.

  1. Thin Out and Cut Back Excessive Vegetation

Skunks do seek cover in dense shrubbery. Cut back all covering bushes and shrubs adjacent to the building so that concealment becomes difficult.

  1. Set Up Motion Sensor Lights

Nocturnal creatures do get scared off by shiny bright lights when crossing by. Set them up at areas that are likely to be used as entry or exit points or even denning rooms.


Maximum pest control services Exterminator

The process for removing a skunk den involves a thinking plan, some patience and a basic knowledge of your local wildlife laws. By their stink and by the holes size, which are medium or big near the ground, skunks are easy to recognize. First of all, see if skunks are really a nuisance to you. If after considering the advantages and disadvantages of the animal you decide to get rid of it, you need to employ the methods that are tolerable to you. There are always exclusion and live capture traps that make your job easy for skunk removal, contacting Maximum pest control services (905) 582-5502.

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