What Colors Do Bed Bugs Prefer?

These little insects-pests invade our houses, disturb our sleep, and have other sinister aims against us. But few know that their behaviours can be influenced to some extent by colors. The color [...]


Quick and Effective Ways to Banish Bed Bugs Forever!

In this article we will Learn effective ways to banish Bed bugs because it strike fear for homeowners. These tiny vampires invade bedrooms, causing sleepless nights and endless itching. But [...]


Is it Necessary to Remove Bed Bugs Infested Furniture from Your Home?

Are bed bugs ruining your home and peace of mind. Trust Maximum Pest Control Services to eliminate them with our expert bed bug control service. Call Maximum now for a worry-free eradication [...]


What Kills Bed Bugs Completely

Contrary to belief bed bugs can actually be seen with the human eyes making them easily noticeable when they get discovered in different various places. However these wingless creatures have a [...]


How to Identify BedBugs and Keep Them Out

Cases of live bedbugs infestations have increased steadily in Toronto Canada, especially in The Hamilton and Mississauga Areas in the past decade. Bed bugs are creepy blood sucking crawlies that [...]


Why Professional BedBugs Control Is More Important than You Think

Bedbugs in Canada are one of the most annoying and frustrating pests attack homes and public places! These creepy bloods sucking tiny creatures can infest almost all establishments, including [...]


Best Bed Bug Prevention and Treatment Options

Bed bugs can be a nuisance, and their presence in your home or business office can make you feel not uncomfortable. The good news is that you can get rid of bed bugs quickly with Maximum pest [...]


How to Deal with Bed Bug Infestation in Your Home

Just the mention of the word “bed bug” can make the hair on our skin to stand up. These tiny notorious blood-sucking bugs are making a comeback around properties throughout Hamilton, Mississauga, [...]


What are Bed Bugs and How Does Bed Bug Treatment Work

One of the most unsettling of all the pests found at home are the bed bugs. The worst part of having a house with bed bugs infestation is that these little tiny pests feed on human blood (and do [...]


Signs of Bed Bug Infestation and How to Completely Eliminate Bedbugs

Have you heard ‘sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite’ phrase most parents tell their children before sleep? Although this sounds cute, our children know that there [...]

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