Bradley Museum
The Bradley Museum at 1620 Orr Rd, Mississauga, ON L5J 4T2. The temperature in Oakville is -1.0 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is 74%. The sunrise at Bradley Museum is at 12:41 PM. The sun sets at 10:20 PM. The climate in Oakville is humid. Visitors can experience the weather conditions at the museum by visiting its website. There are many things to see and do in Oakville.
The Log Cabin is the highlight of the Bradley. The historic house was built by Lewis and Elizabeth in 1830. The Bradleys were United Empire Loyalists and lived in the house for about 20 years. The interior is painted marigold yellow and black with classic period details. The Mississauga Heritage Foundation restored the house and opened it to the public in 1967. The building still stands on the original land owned by the settlers.
There are also numerous events and festivals in the town. The Putting Edge is a golf course located at a distance of 1.8 km. Other attractions in Oakville include the Benares Historic House and IFLY Toronto Oakville. You can also visit the Bradley Museum and Gairloch Gardens. The nearby Jack’s Restaurant is another attraction worth a visit. You can enjoy a meal at a restaurant if you’d like.
If you’re looking for something to do in Oakville, the Putting Edge and IFLY Toronto Oakville are two of the best options. They are located 1.6 km and 1.7 km from the downtown area. Other attractions nearby include Benares Historic House, Lake Ontario, and Woodhurst Heights Park. The Bradley Museum is about seven kilometers away, while the Gairloch Gardens and Erin Mills Twin Arenas are just six and a half km away. Next Article
The Bradley Museum has an extensive collection of antiques. The Bradley house was built by Lewis and Elizabeth in 1830. They were United Empire Loyalists and lived there for 20 years. The house is painted black and marigold yellow and has classic period features. In 1967, the Mississauga Heritage Foundation restored the house and opened it to the public. It’s still on the original land owned by the couple.
Nearby attractions include IFLY Toronto Oakville and Woodhurst Heights Park. The Bradley Museum is situated 6.7 km away from downtown Oakville. The house is home to a large collection of Canadian art. You can enjoy the historic style of this landmark house by bringing your kids here for a visit. Its grounds are reminiscent of the original Victorian house. If you’re looking for a museum for children, there are also several children’s museums. Additional info reading
There are many things to see and do in Oakville. The Bradley Museum has a driveshed that was built in 1973 and is made of wood from the Carberry family farm in Chinguacousy Township. It is built with post and beam construction and was donated to the town of Mississauga in 1971 by Tom Jackson. Originally, the barn was used for storage. The Barn has beam ceilings and is the only barn on the site that has post-construction.