Does Vinegar Can Help Kill Bed Bugs?

Vinegar and its Ability to Help With Bed Bug Problems? The panic that can be caused in a calm environment due to the presence of bedbugs is something that everyone relates to. Do you recall [...]


After the Flood: How to Keep Pests Out When Waters Recede

If you’re dealing with unwanted insects and rodents after a flood, learning how to keep pests out of your home is essential to protect your health and property. Flooding situations can [...]


Banish Cockroaches: The Truth About Bleach Effectiveness

Are you trying to banish cockroaches for good? Get The Facts Now. Roaches can infest your home and drive you mad. Cockroaches scurry under the counter in your kitchen and occupy wet, dark spaces. [...]


8 Smart Tricks to Keep Spiders Out of Your Storage Unit

Protect Your Home and Business from Spiders: Hire Maximum Pest Control Services Today Calling (905) 582-5502. It can be pretty daunting to keep spiders off your storage unit. Any space can be [...]


Top Pest Trends to Watch Out for in 2025

Pest never take a break. Pests change and evolve with the modern world. They respond to technological advancement and even climate changes. It gives the appearance as though many authorities are [...]


Simple Changes to Your Yard That Can Stop Mosquitoes

  Few things can ruin nice evening like the buzzing of a hungry attacking mosquito. The swarming draws you indoors, and the bites can keep you scratching for many days. When bitten by [...]


Skunk Den Removal: A Step-by-Step Process

Got A Skunk Problem? No Problem! Contact Maximum Pest Control Services For Skunk Den Removal (905) 582-5502. While the idea of skunks making your porch their home may not be something you want, [...]


Controlling Mice For Winter Season: Why It Really Matters

Controlling mice for winter season, why it really matters For homeowners, as mice control locates itself at the centre of their priorities as preparation begins for winter season. Mice make a [...]


Bed Bug Removal and Prevention Expert Guide

Bed bugs have bothered people everywhere in the world for thousands of years. They are little insects living in the seams of furniture, mattresses, and crevices. They feed on human blood, mostly [...]


Why Choose Maximum Team For Your Home Mice Control Needs?

    The choice of pest control service to use for the home mice control needs in your house can determine if your house gets infested or not. At Maximum Pest Control, we place a high [...]